Brent Miller

About me

I've got a rather unusual personal history. I've lived on three continents. I'm a native speaker of English and French, and am operationally fluent in Japanese, although I'm still working being able to read the newspaper. Only a few hundred kanji left to go…

By training, I'm a plant evolutionary ecologist, although I left that career path behind before finishing my Ph.D. I'm a fully self-taught engineer, and have learned a lot along the way about how organizations work, how teams work, how software work happens, and how people come together to get work done.

For fun, I'm all about food, both making and eating! Also, Japanese calligraphy, plant photography, and boardgames. And don't forget the kittenz! 😻

My entry to the 2023 Sōgen competition, in the shibunsho division 1, which was accepted into the exhibit! It's about 6 feet wide.

Some things I've built

In addition to my work for the companies listed on my resume, I've also built these:

About this site

The site is hand-coded, built using Bridgetown, and hosted by GitHub Pages.

Thanks to Flaticon and Icons8 for the icons.